Cypriot Studied Cases

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ID: CY1 Title: Larnaca Aqueduct, , Cyprus.  
Period of construction: 1747 A.C.
Structural type: Sand stone structure
Description of the structure:
- The aqueduct is known with the name Kamares, which means arches.
- It was built in the mid 18th century (Ottoman Empire period).
- The construction started in 1746 and was completed in 1747.
- Stones from the ancient city of Kition were used for the construction of this large (for that period of time and conditions prevailing in Cyprus) monument.
- For a long length of its course, which is about 10.5 km, the water was transported in an open duct, but in three places where the ground was low, arches were built, on top of which runs the duct. These three parts consist of 30, 12 and 33 arches, giving a total of 75 arches.
- The aqueduct operated during the British occupation of the Island of Cyprus, until 1939.

(a)-(d) General views,
(e) Construction Detail

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