Egyptian Studied Cases

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ID: E1 Title: Temple of AMON, Luxor, Egypt.  
Period of construction: 1427-1329 B.C.
Structural type: Block structure
Chronology of intervention:
-1994: Intervention of consolidation.
Type of intervention:
Interventions of consolidation on the arcade of the courtyard of Amenofis III (a) with the aim to solve problems of stability and degradation.

Description of the interventions:
Methodological approach:
-Characterization of the material,
-Acquaintance of the degradation processes,
-Tests in laboratory,
-Tests in situ and final choice of the plan of restoration of lacks.
Types of lacks:
1) Lack of material due to abrasion and successive fall of their originate material (c).
2) Phenomena of breach in correspondence of the chines (f).
3) Lack due to fractures of chines; it prevents one from the raising of the block (e).

b The elements which form a column consist of 2 monolithic elements connected by a key in wood with the shape of butterfly;
d Movement of the architraves caused by the yielding of the foundation soil.

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