Algerian Studied Cases

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ID: A1 Title: “El Ourit” bridge, Tlemcen, Algeria.  
Period of construction: 1889-1890.
Structural type: Arch metal bridge
Chronology of intervention:
1889: Construction of the bridge by the French engineer G. Eiffel.
Description of the Interventions:
-Construction of the bridge.
-During the 20th century:
-evolution of the railway overloads (trains).
-January 2006:
-Photogrammetric measurement of all the bridge using Elcovision 10.
-An historical research of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the live loads, the physical and mechanical analyses of material (iron), numerical simulations of the static and dynamic structure compound and finally estimate the fatigue of the bridge.

Ancient and actual photos of the bridge.

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