Italian Studied Cases

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ID: I7 Title: Temple of Apollo, Siracusa, Italy.  
Period of construction: 6th century B.C.
Structural type: Block structure
Chronology of intervention:
-1800: Consolidation. In evidence the metallic reinforcement totally reversible;
-1940: Removal of the interventions of the 800, consolidation by reinforced concrete.
Type of Intervention:
-1800: Reversible intervention of consolidation.
-1940: Irreversible intervention of consolidation.

Description of the Interventions:
-Second half of the 800:
-Partial removal of the masonry structures in which the temple was later incorporated;
-Consolidation of only two columns, entirely preserved, thanks to a metallic reinforcement (totally reversible intervention).
-Removal of the interventions of the previous century;
-Consolidation by reinforced concrete;
-Remaining of two capitals in reinforced concrete.

a the "consolidation" of the columns of the half of 800's. In evidence the totally reversible metallic reinforcement.
b Consolidation of 1940, with large use of reinforced concrete.

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