Italian Studied Cases

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ID: I2 Title: Temple of Saturn, Rome, Italy.  
Period of construction: 498 b.c.
Structural type: Block structure
Chronology of intervention:
-1811: Excavation by Valadier;
-1834-1837: Completion of the excavation.
Description of the Interventions:
-42 A.D.:
-The temple was restored by Munazius Plancus;
-Travertine substudies containing the cells;
-The vault rooms destined to contain the public treasure.
-283 A.D.:
Radical restoration after the fire damage.
-IV century A.D.:
Remaining of the six huge ionic columns.
-Beginning of century XV:
-According to timing witness, a great part of the cell was still standing;
-After, it was destroyed.
The excavations by Valadier begin.
The excavations were completed.
The six columns of granite and the first two lateral ones of the temples still survive.

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