Italian Studied Cases

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ID: I3 Title: Temple of Boarius Forum, Rome, Italy.  
Period of construction: 2nd Century b.c.
Structural type: Block structure
Chronology of intervention:
-Middle Ages: The temple was transformed into a church;
-1810: Restoration of the temple; by Giuseppe Valadier;
-1821: Walls of the cell; by Giuseppe Valadier;
-1989: Archaeological supervision;
-Today: Archaeological supervision;
Description of the Interventions:
-Liberation of the marble columns from masonry of the Church;
-Restoration of the columns;
-Reconstruction of the roof;
-Reconstruction of a part of the stair accessing the cell.
-Restoration of the marble columns, No. 6,7,8,9.
-Consolidation of the column;
-Replacement of the roof of the building;
-Review of the static system of support and anchorage of the 19 columns;
-Integration of the lacks of superior blocks for capitals No. 17,18,19,20.
c capital No. 8 after the restoration.

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